The initial title was "Fear that liars take to the grave with them." When I was conceptualizing this piece, I imagined top executives and politicians who had lied. Their lies brought wars. Their lies kept the disadvantaged poor. Sometimes in interviews, reporters interrogated them harshly, but those liars never admitted their wrongdoings. They would probably have to live the rest of their life in fear of truth being revealed. That fear is their payment. It is just too cheap a payment for thousands, if not, millions, who have lost their lives or the livelihoods because of the lies.
This time, it was successful to give an antique look to the leaf plates with glazes. I bisque-fired them to cone 5 (for durability), brushed Duncan Courtyard glazes on them, and glaze-fired them to cone 06. Yes, the bisque and glaze firing temperatures are purposely flipped. The particular glazes used here do not require thick coats. If you fire them higher than cone 06, the nice matte look will be destroyed. This alternative method seems to work.
Caring attitude is like rays of sunshine. It delights the world around the person. I tried to capture, in her expression, the ageless beauty we all have. The passenger pigeons on her head symbolizes anything vulnerable. (Billions of the birds used to fly in North America, but they were hunted down to the extinction.) The female is incubating an egg, our future. My optimism for the human race is reflected on this piece
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