While waiting for the first batch of clay horses to be fired, I am making “Look Inside” Jars. Its inside message contrasts with the one outside. The first two are about unity.
My initial idea was to place many little people inside to represent unity. Origami humans were too big. Making Sculpey people was too time-consuming. Nowhere could 3D-print them. My solution was to create a symbol of unity. I hope the message still clearly comes through to you.
Four more Little Buddhas were added. I tried to capture scenes where children share their ups and downs of living with their special companions—horses.
A customer asked me if I could make a sculpture like the one below. Constructing a bulk (like the horse’s body) on thin long legs is very difficult. The legs can crack easily. As the ceramic clay shrinks, the final product may wobble. In addition, the ancient artisan captured the wonderful interaction between the horse and the trainer. Only the way for me to come closer to that mastery is by trials and errors. I decided to make this my new project. A career advisor told me last fall that my next homework was to put together a presentation. I tried that at my opening reception, considering how to make it interactive, thought-provoking, and fun simultaneously. I could have done this only with help from many people. Thank you so much. TAKE ME TO YOUR MOON: JOURNEYS INTO THE WORLD OF DEMENTIA is now open at the Washington Pavilion in Sioux Falls, SD. I saw the exhibit for the first time 2 days ago. The curators had done a fantastic job putting the show together. It will be on until November. If any of you are traveling to the eastern South Dakota, please make time to go to see it.
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This page is an window for you to see my creative process. I would like to encourage you to leave your comments here. What kind of thoughts did my art provoke you? What viewpoint do you agree/disagree to? Your feedback will feed my art going forward. Thank you.